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Find below the main contact details for each of our offices and the associated CQC information.
CQC say: "During our observation of a lunchtime visit we saw that staff were friendly, polite and kind. Staff acted to ensure the person's privacy was respected and it was clear that the person was in charge of how support was provided."
CQC say: "People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice."
CQC say: "Comments from people and relatives included: "They are so caring, absolutely brilliant", "Its everything I hoped my care would be" and "It's like having friends round, it's not like a service."
CQC say: "People's care plans were detailed and informative and provided staff with sufficient information to enable them to meet people's needs. People and their relatives had been involved in the process of developing and reviewing these documents."
CQC say: "Staff were respectful and supported people to be as independent as possible."